Tools and Resources


Services & Approaches

  • Organization Effectiveness Consulting
  • Cultural Competence Consulting and Training
  • Research and Evaluation


Areas of

  • Child Welfare
  • Education
  • Industry(sales, service, quality assurance)


Tools and

  • The Effective Communications Styles Inventory



Hackett, W.L. (2023). Success as an attitude:A four step process to knowing what you want and what you'll do to get it. Seattle, WA:Wanda Hackett Enterprises.

Harris, M. & Hackett, W. (2008). Decision points in child welfare:  An action research model to address disproportionality. Children and Youth Services Review, 30(2),199-215.

Wanda Hackett Enterprises (2006).  Bridges to Engagement: Tools to Support Cultural Competence, Retrieved on August 21, 2010 from

Clegg & Associates and Wanda Hackett Enterprises (2004).  King County Study on Racial Disproprotionality in Child Welfare. Retrieved on August 21, 2010 from

Hackett, W. (2000) Exploring the Sense of Self in the Workplace.  Santa Barbara, CA: The Fielding Graduate Institute, Unpublished Dissertation.


Effective Communication Styles Inventory (ECSI)
Summary Information

The ECSI is a powerful window into the different ways people think, prioritize, communicate and influence others. I first learned to think about style differences from Dr. David Jones at Sentient Systems. I owe him a great debt for informing my thinking on this matter. As I used the ECSI in seminars and watched thousands of people over the years work with this tool in teams, as individuals within teams and within families, I have gained many insights into human behavior and interactions. Simply stated use of the instrument tells us four things:


  1. the extent to which a person is more or less assertive (i.e., whether they have a tendency to ask or tell people things);
  2. the extent to which people are more or less expressive (i.e., introverted or extroverted);
  3. their dominant communication/influencing styles (i.e., have a propensity to think/analyze, do/take action, collaborate/support others, create/big picture orientation), each of us can use more than one of these styles;
  4. given one's style, tips are provided on how to get someone's attention and/or influence their thinking and/or behavior utilizing their style - and what's important to them - versus your style and what's important to you.


As you work with the ECSI it is important to remember it's just one "windowpane" you can look through to understand oneself and/or others; there are many other tools and people are much more than their score on the ECSI - it's one very good tool nonetheless. Have fun with it and please contact us with your feedback and any insights at



Effective Communication Styles Inventory Scoring Form


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